Darchai Menachem Fathers and Sons Gather to Learn and Dance

Yeshiva Darchai Menachem recently hosted a school-wide Hakhel father and son melava malka on Motzei Shabbbos, Parshas Beshalach, with the fathers and sons joining together to learn and dance.

Yeshiva Darchai Menachem recently hosted a school-wide Hakhel father and son melava malka on Motzei Shabbbos, Parshas Beshalach.

The evening was infused with energy and enthusiasm, starting with the Rebbe’s Kapitel, recited by Hatomim Shmuel Sanowicz from Kita Alef.

The Hakhel spirit was felt as fathers and sons delved into deep learning together, creating a truly beautiful sight. The event continued with Rabbi Nissim Lagziel, who shared an inspiring story of the Rebbe. Rabbi Lagziel also expressed heartfelt appreciation to the devoted Rebbis who tirelessly dedicate themselves to the Talmidim.

The night ended with birchas hamazon led by Rabbi Eyal Bension, Dean of Yeshiva Darchai Menachem. The excitement continued with thrilling raffles, high-spirited dancing, and musical entertainment by the talented Shmuli Wilshanski. The hall reverberated with joy and lively music, creating a beautiful energy that was felt by all.

As the evening came to a close, everyone left feeling uplifted and energized, already looking forward to the next Hakhel gathering. May we merit the ultimate Hakhel gathering with the coming of Moshiach speedily in our days!


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