Darchai Menachem Boys Unlock Creativity with Woodworking

At Crown Heights Yeshivas Darchai Menachem, woodworking is a cherished part of the curriculum, fostering teamwork, craftsmanship, and problem-solving from an early age.

At Crown Heights Yeshivas Darchai Menachem, woodworking is a cherished part of the curriculum, fostering teamwork, craftsmanship, and problem-solving from an early age.

Rabbi Serebransky runs a variety of workshops with the students, in which they learn valuable social, collaborative, and creative skills. As part of his repertoire, he regularly does woodworking workshops with each of the classes.

From pre-1a to 8th grade, the boys are discovering the joys of crafting with their own hands, learning to work together and safely using hand tools. Pre-1a and 1st grade students start with basic woodworking skills such as sanding, hammering, and using nails, while older boys carry on to develop more advanced skills in planning, measuring, and cutting various wood projects.

Students are becoming confident using different tools for their projects. To make precise cuts, the students use a Japanese pull saw for straight lines, a coping saw for intricate shapes, and a hand drill to create holes when needed, adding another layer of complexity to their projects. The students have been working on several remarkable projects, including candy dispensers, cars, 770 tzedakah boxes, and more. Fantastically, boys in 6th-8th grade are currently building a full-sized chair.

Learning woodworking at Darchai Menachem is not just about building wooden objects; it’s a tool to develop our students’ executive function skills, emotional resilience, and confidence. By combining hands-on learning with craftsmanship, the school is helping students develop essential life skills that will serve them well in any future endeavor.

Dean Rabbi Bension is excited about the opportunities that woodworking brings to the school. “Students are picking up critical skills such as hand-eye coordination, learning how to cut true and straight with a saw, design, and layout. Most importantly, the students are developing their executive function skills, learning to formulate a comprehensive plan from beginning to end and when to prioritize steps. It’s amazing to see such a high level of excitement and productivity in the classroom”.

At Darchai Menachem, woodworking is just one part of a unique and engaging curriculum that creates a transformative experience for the boys, preparing them for a future filled with creativity, confidence, and innovation.

About Darchai Menachem:

Yeshivas Darchai Menachem is a unique yeshiva in Crown Heights with a learning environment that supports and celebrates its students. Darchai’s innovative curriculum aims to nurture students’ talents and instill values that will guide them throughout their lives.

For more information about Darchai Menachem, contact us at 718-953-2919 or [email protected]. Visit our website at www.darchaimenachem.com.

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