Dairy or Not: What the Labels Actually Mean

Is it true that products labeled “Non-Dairy” can have actual dairy ingredients in them? What is the difference between OU-D and OU-DE? Find the answer to these questions and more.

Dairy or Not?

Is it true that products labeled “Non Dairy” can have actual dairy ingredients in them?

Is there a difference between a product labeled “Dairy-Free” vs. “Non-Dairy”?

What is the difference between OU-D and OU-DE? And how does that affect a product’s Cholov Yisroel status?

If a product has an allergy warning that says “May contain dairy” is that a kashrus concern?

Kashrus: Be in the Know! Gives clarity with examples and visuals of what to look out for, and how to understand the differences of Dairy vs. Parve in products you may find at the grocery store. 

To download the document click here.

Kashrus: Be In The Know is an organization that has been helping to educate consumers for over four years now.

The best way to keep kosher at home is by learning the halachos that one needs to know. And then there is shopping in the supermarket…

Kashrus: Be In The Know was created with the intention to increase Kashrus awareness and provide consumers with a knowledge of basic halacha, as well as important information regarding how foods are made and processed. With this information, it is their hope to help people in making educated choices when buying products or eating out.

Although the classes are given by Rabbis who both work in respectable hashgachos, and have a depth of knowledge in Halacha as well as the food industry, it does not in any way replace asking questions to a Rav. Rather, it presents the awareness to even know what to ask.

To date, there are over 1,800 people receiving weekly and informative classes on their WhatsApp Groups.

To join a weekly group, click on the links below.

Men’s Group https://chat.whatsapp.com/HcTFbecRxCs5MXvOoTtNNF

Women’s Group https://chat.whatsapp.com/CHa2Busa6bOAsGScqskagi

You can also visit their website for past classes at www.kashrusbeintheknow.com as well as listen on your favorite podcast platform @ Kashrus: Be in the Know!


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