Daily Rambam Attracts Thousands from All Communities

The “Daily Rambam International Project,” which currently gets over 30,000 weekly hits to their website, is expanding with the launch of a Rambam app, podcast, and learning materials.

Tired of hearing about the chaos and uncertainty of our world?  You’ll be delighted to hear about an incredibly beautiful light that is spreading – to every Jew, every day, in every place around the world!  

The Daily Rambam International Project was established last year, to bring the transformational light of daily Rambam learning to every Yid, everywhere.

World Class Maggidei Shiur 

The shiurim on www.dailyrambam.org provides an exceptional learning experience, where you feel like you are sitting across the table from the teacher.  The text of the Rambam flows along with the shiur. Diagrams and visuals are also included, to enhance the learning experience.

The shiurim in Yiddish and in English are delivered by world renowned maggidei shiur who are well known for their Daf Yomi shiurim which are broadcasted live across the globe.

Since its launch, the website has over 30,000 hits weekly.

Thousands benefitting!

For thousands of individuals who prefer to learn by phone, Daily Rambam International also provides a sophisticated phone system, Rambam on the Line, with many user-friendly features. Since its launch less than a year ago, over 112,000 unique callers have accessed the shiurim! Together, via website – dailyrambam.org, and by phone – 718-480-0200, thousands of people learn Rambam every day, changing the landscape of Torah learning.

A Vision of Growth

Plans are in full swing to enhance the current programs as well as adding many more:

  • Launch of Rambam App
  • Wide variety of shiurim in many languages
  • Useful downloads for enhanced learning – Intro video tutorials for each sefer of Rambam
  • Rambam Podcast
  • Sefer Hamitzvos Shiurim for adults and children.

Spread the Light!

Invite your friends to benefit from Daily Rambam learning – on the web or on the phone hotline. And do even more to spread the light. Support Daily Rambam International with any dollar amount. Become a recurring donor and support daily Rambam, every day. 

Whether you give us the dollar amount of your cup of coffee or favorite food, or you give us a larger donation, your contribution makes all the difference! We are counting on your support to continue bringing Limud Rambam to many more Yidden.

Together, we can make Daily Rambam the daily reality of the entire world!

Log in to www.Charidy.com/rambam.

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