CTeen Jewish Pride Takes Over Times Square

Photos: Itzik Roitman

Despite “Day of Hate,” CTeen hosted its annual Jewish Pride Takeover of Times Square, where over 3,000 Jewish teens gathered to celebrate their Jewish pride and unity.

Photos: Itzik Roitman

Despite “Day of Hate,” CTeen hosted its annual Jewish Pride Takeover of Times Square, where over 3,000 Jewish teens gathered to celebrate their Jewish pride and unity.

The event featured a variety of inspiring speeches and performances, including a concert and Havdalah ceremony by Benny Friedman.

One of the event’s highlights was the announcement of CTeen’s 700th chapter, located in Estonia. “Thanks to all of you for paving the way for Jewish teens worldwide,” said one Estonian teen. “Next stop? 1,000 chapters!”

Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Chairman of CTeen International and Vice Chairman of Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch, delivered a speech on the theme of the Shabbaton “Meant2B,” the importance of trusting in G-d during difficult times.

In what has become an annual CTeen tradition of epic Mitzvah performances in Times Square, Stefan Schiff, a CTeen leader from Columbus, Ohio, affixed the first-ever Mezuzah in Times Square.

“This is a big honor for me, and I am proud to be a part of such a tremendous display of Jewish pride together with my Jewish brothers and sisters from around the world,” said Schiff.

Rabbi Bentzi Lipsker of the Meromim Foundation, presented a teen with a scholarship to attend a CTeen Summer trip and shared with the teens how they are the Jewish future.

The evening culminated with the energetic dancing and singing of thousands of Jewish teens declaring, “I’m a Jew and I’m Proud.”

Click here to watch a full replay.

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