Crown Heights to Welcome Young Jewish Professionals

Close to 200 Young Professionals will be arriving in Crown Heights this week, and Shluchim are still looking for gracious residents who can host students for the weekend.

This weekend, Shabbos Parshas Shemos (January 17-19), close to 200 Young Professionals with their Shluchim and Shluchos, representing 42 different cities from around the world, will be coming to Crown Heights as part of Chabad Young Professionals annual Encounter.

Shluchim are still looking for gracious residents who can host students for the weekend, for sleeping (Friday and Motzoei Shabbos) and/or Friday night Shabbos dinner.

If you have any space for either boys or girls please contact Thank you!

A message from Rabbi Sholom Brook, YJP Minneapolis:

As Shluchim and Shluchos around the world, it is one of the highlights of the year for us, to bring representatives of our communities to Crown Heights. It gives them a chance to understand the Rebbe’s vision of making Moshiach a global reality, and to draw inspiration from visits to the Ohel, 770, the Rebbe’s House, and various stops in Crown Heights.

Beyond that, it gives the members of our community a chance to experience a neighborhood like Crown Heights, and to interact with so many of its residents. The participants in Encounter, are not just the future of Jewish communities around the world, they are very much the present. For them to get to see how a community like Crown Heights supports Shluchim and Shluchos around the world, with any and every possible resource, and then to be invited into the homes of Crown Heights, and be provided with the 5-star Hachnosas Orchim that the shchuna is known for, leaves an indelible mark on each and every participant. It gives them perspective into how they too can make their Daled Amos back home into a Chabad House and spread the light of Yiddishkeit and Chassidishkeit to their surroundings.

On behalf of our brother and sister Shluchim and Shluchos around the world, thank you for being partners in our Shlichus, and opening up your homes and your hearts to all of us over Shabbos! We hope that the Encounter and everything related to it, will be tremendously Matzliach, and we will all together merit to bring the Rebbe a tremendous amount of Nachas!

Chabad Young Professionals, a division of Merkos Suite 302, is a worldwide network of communities of young Jewish professionals, post-college and pre-suburb. We provide a holistic milieu of dynamic social events, career-focused professional functions, handcrafted educational experiences, and organic spiritual gatherings. Our 120 plus communities make us the premier Jewish young professional provider in the world.

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