Crown Heights Shuls Urged to Remain Vigilant


Three Crown Heights activists released a community alert urging shuls and residents to remain vigilant and recommending safety measures for the local shuls.

Three Crown Heights activists released a community alert urging shuls and residents to remain vigilant and recommending safety measures for the local shuls.

The letter, signed by Rabbi Mendy Hershkop of Crown Heights Shomrim, Rabbi Lazer Avtzon of Association of Crown Heights Shuls, and Rabbi Yaacov Behrman of Jewish Future Alliance, reads as follows:

Dear members of Anash,

In light of the current situation in Eretz Yisroel, we understand that there may be concerns within our community. We want to assure you that, according to the NYPD and FBI, there are no credible or specific threats at this time. However, it is essential for us to remain vigilant and take precautionary measures to ensure the safety of our community members.

In response to the situation, there will be an increased Law enforcement presence in Crown Heights. We recommend the following safety measures:

Limited Building Access: Restrict building access to only one entrance/exit. Keep all doors locked at all times, and unlock them only to admit known individuals. Consider having a designated member who knows the community to manage the entrance, taking turns to ensure security.

Communication: Gaboim should ensure that there is at least one phone available in the Shul at all times for emergency purposes. In the event of any suspicious activities, promptly notify both the NYPD and Shomrim at 718-774-3333. Shomrim will also deploy three cars to drive around.

Some Shuls have opted to hire armed private security, a proactive step that enhances overall safety. This is a decision to be made in consultation with your board. In many Shuls in America, this practice is implemented on a regular basis.

We will continue to monitor the situation closely and keep you updated as needed.

May we all merit to live in peace and security.

Our prayers are with our brethren in Israel and worldwide.

Rabbi Mendy Hershkop
Crown Heights Shomrim

Rabbi Lazer Avtzon
Crown Heights Shuls

Rabbi Yaacov Behrman
Jewish Future Alliance

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  1. What about apartment Buildings? I think the different landlords should be contacted. We need proper security as well.

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