Crown Heights Shuls to Join for a Grand Siyum Harambam

A grand Siyum Harambam will be held on Thursday, celebrating the completion of Sefer Ahava, and will feature a farbrengen with the bochurim shluchim to Morocco who initiated Limud HaRambam in 5744.

A grand Siyum Harambam will be held this upcoming Thursday in Crown Heights.

The siyum will be celebrating the completion of Sefer Ahava for those who study 3 perokim a day, and the completion of Hilchos Matnos Aniyim for those who study 1 perek a day.

Eleven Crown Heights Shuls that hold daily Rambam shiurim will be gathering for the siyum, honoring and strengthening the Rebbe’s takanah of daily limud HaRambam.

Special guest speakers will address the siyum, and following the official program, a farbrengen will be held with bochurim shluchim to Morocco who initiated Limud HaRambam in 5744.

The siyum will take place this Thursday evening July 22 – 13 Av, at Lubavitcher Yeshiva 570 Crown St. Mincha – 6:30 pm
Siyum – 7:00 pm.

A lavish catered meal will be served by Cohen Caterers. There will be special entertainment, and a beautiful teshurah will be distributed to all participants.

The event is being sponsored by Association of CH Shuls in conjunction with Irgun Torah and Unity for Protection, לע”נ הרה”ח הרה”ת יואל בן רפאל כהן זצ”ל ולרפואת הרה”ח הרה”ת ישעי-ה זוסיא בן חנה רבקה ושמעון בן אליס.

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