In support of the Areivim USA membership drive in Crown Heights, shuls and local askonim have penned an open letter encouraging the residents of Crown Heights to join Areivim.
In support of the Areivim USA membership drive in Crown Heights many shuls and local Askonim have penned an open letter encouraging the residents of Crown Heights to join Areivim.
An open letter to all families of Crown Heights from the Shuls and Askonim of Crown Heights
In the wake of the recent tragedies, many leaving behind young children, we would like to encourage all Crown Heights residents to join Areivim USA.
Areivim is a group of over twenty thousand households that commit to each other, that if tragedy strikes r”l, each member would give a $10.50 one time contribution per unmarried orphan and widow (or widower) left behind.
The maximum payment Areivim will charge is $42 a month. If more funds are needed they will be rolled over to the following months. The collective amount then pays out $150k per orphan.
No fundraisers, no appeals, no street posters, ect. All credit cards are charged based on the contract, protecting the family’s dignity. If no one in the group passes away there is no charge.
There is no registration fee or monthly premium. Members only contribute if tragedy strikes.
The Beis Din of Crown Heights has endorsed Areivim USA and so have many Lubavitcher Rabbonim and Askonim.
Areivim has paid out and supported Lubavitcher families with over $4.5 million dollars to date.
Even if you have life insurance, please consider joining for the many others in our community that can’t afford or are not eligible for life insurance.
May we merit the fulfilment of Bilah Hamoves Lonetzach with the coming of Moshiach now!
To register and for more info visit:
Partial list of signatures
Rabbi Lazer Avtzon (Mercaz Sepharad)
Rabbi Yossel Losh (770)
Rabbi Meir New (Neshamos)
Rabbi Gadi Blizinsky (Chevra Shas)
Rabbi Yankel Raskin (M.A.T.C.H.)
Rabbi Moshe Feiglin (Aliya)
Rabbi Zalman Shapiro (Cong. 935)
Rabbi Aryeh Laib Fuss (Anshei Moshe)
Rabbi Avremel Silver (Mayanot)
Rabbi Yossi Garelik (Anshei Lubavitch)
Rabbi Nachman Twersky (Bais M.M.)
Rabbi Levke Kaplan (The Shull)
Rabbi Kalman Weinfeld (Bais Eliezer Yitzchok)
Rabbi Moshe Katzman (Rayim Ahuvim)
Rabbi Sholly Weiser (Anshei Chayil)
Rabbi Mendel Lerman (Bais Levi Yitzchok)
Rabbi Zalman Wilhelm (Anshei Maaseh)
Rabbi Michoel Lerner (Kollel Anash)
Rabbi Moshe N. Wolvovsky (Frankels Shul)
Rabbi Zalman Lipsker (770)
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