Farbrengens were held in many Shuls throughout Crown Heights with special guest speakers to celebrate the Alter Rebbe’s liberation and the Rosh Hashana of Chassidus.
Photos: Dovber Hechtman/Anash.org
Farbrengens were held in many Shuls throughout Crown Heights with special guest speakers to celebrate the Alter Rebbe’s liberation and the Rosh Hashana of Chassidus.
Rabbi Yaakov Goldberg farbrenged in Hadar Hatorah for a Hebrew-speaking crowd from Merkaz Dovrei Ivrit.
Rabbi Nissan Mangel, rov of Ksaf Sofer, farbrenged at the Lincoln Place Shul.
Rabbi Yosef Greenberg farbrenged at Reyim Ahuvim – Cong. Tiferes Menachem
Rabbi Moshe Gourarie, shliach in Toms River, NJ farbrenged at Ohel Nosson.
A farbrengen was also held in the small zal of 770, hosted by the Central Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim and led by mashpia Rabbi Shlomo Zarchi.
In the main Shul of 770 Eastern Parkway, a video of the Rebbe’s farbrengen of 19 Kislev 5747 was played on the Shul’s large screen.
Additional farbrengens will be held throughout Tuesday and Wednesday. Click here to see Anash.org’s extensive list of Crown Heights farbrengens.
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