Farbrengen and Tanya Printing Celebrates 11 Nissan

Photos: Menachem Cohen/Anash.org

‘Nosson’s Shul’ and ‘The Shul’ both located on Empire Boulevard, held a joint farbrengen in honor of Yud Alef Nissan, with the director of JLI Rabbi Ephraim Mintz. The farbrengen began with the printing of a new edition of Tanya.

By Anash.org reporter
Photos: Menachem Cohen/Anash.org

Two Crown Heights Shuls ‘Nosson’s Shul’ and ‘The Shul’, held a joint farbrengen in honor of the Rebbe’s 119th birthday, with Rabbi Ephraim Mintz, Director of the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute.

Rabbi Chaim Yisroel Wilhelm, rabbi of Nosson’s Shul, began the farbrengen by printing a new edition of Tanya in honor of Yud Alef Nissan, and l’zchus all the shul’s members.

Members of both Shul’s used the opportunity of the weekday farbrengen to sell their Chametz and donate their Maos Chitim to help families in need pay for Pesach expenses.


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