Members of all three Sefardic shuls in Crown Heights gathered on Motzoei Shabbos for an uplifting Yud Tes Kislev farbrengen – Sefardi style.
This past Motzoei Shabbos, Merkaz Sefarad hosted an Achdus 19 Kislev farbrengen/hillula with the participation of all three Sephardic Shuls in Crown Heights, Merkaz Sefarad, Ner Menachem Torah VaChesed and the Persian Shul.
The farbrengen was led by the Rov of Merkaz Sepharad, Rabbi Lazer Avtzon with additional inspirational words of chizuk by Harav Yaacov Nimni of Ner Menachem, and Rabbi Kuti Feldman, mashpia in 770 yeshiva.
Chassidishe niggunim along with special piyutim continued late into the night with musical accompaniment.
Merkaz Sefarad will be relocating within the next several weeks to a larger location where many more similar events uniting the Sephardic community of Crown Heights will take place.
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