Crown Heights Rov’s Shiur Offers Unique Perspective

Every evening, Crown Heights Rov Rabbi Moshe Bogomilsky delivers a shiur in Kitzur Shulchan Aruch in the Bais Rivkah shul. But the shiur is much more than just on the Kitzur, participants say.

By reporter

Every evening, a crowd gathers in Bais Rivkah shul on Crown St. for a shiur in Kitzur Shulchan Aruch by Harav Moshe Bogomilsky, longtime prominent Chabad rov and author, and member of Vaad Rabbonei Lubavitch. Participants say, however, that the shiur is much more than just a classical shiur in Kitzur.

The shiur, which began half a year ago, generally goes through the simanim in Kitzur Shulchan Aruch that pertain to any upcoming Yom Tov, or other relevant topics. With the shiur based on the text of the Kitzur, it offers an important chance to study the halachos of each Yom Tov before it arrives.

But the shiur is much more than just that. While discussing the topics brought in the Kitzur, Rabbi Bogomilsky draws on his wealth of knowledge and brings tidbits from the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch, a wide range of poskim and sifrei halacha, as well as sources from Chassidus and the Rebbe’s Torah.

“The shiur is a walk in the garden of halacha, a thoroughly enjoyable experience that can be enjoyed by the layman and scholar alike,” Rabbi Moshe Horowitz, one of the shiur organizers told “We encourage all who are able to join the shiur whenever possible, and we can guarantee you will leave with a real appreciation for the upcoming Yom Tov.”

VIDEO: Shiur on bedikas chometz

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Click here for the Rabbi Bogomilsky Shiurim YouTube channel


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