Crown Heights Residents Report Harassment at Early Voting Sites

As early voting for the mid-term elections is in full swing, a number of Crown Heights residents reported that officials and others at early voting sites have been causing undue difficulties.

By reporter

As early voting for the mid-term elections is in full swing, a number of Crown Heights residents reported that officials and others at early voting sites have been causing undue difficulties.

Early voting is taking place ahead of the November 8th elections, and many community members are taking advantage and voting at the early voting locations.

However, at one poll site, located in Remsen Hall at 375 Remsen Avenue, a number of community members reported that they experienced undue difficulties and even harassment.

One resident reported that when he went in to vote, he was surrounded by a number of people and made to feel uncomfortable

Another reported that when they attempted to check their phone to see a sample ballot, the poll workers asked them to write down their choices before they stepped into the booth because “I can’t use my phone in the booth,” despite it being legal to do so. “It was annoying but I did that,” they said.

A third resident was also told that no phones were allowed, but contested the rule.

“The supervisor agreed that if I don’t raise my phone, just leave it on the table, it’s ok,” the resident said. “There were no issues after that.”

Upon hearing the reports, Crown Heights activists immediately contacted the relevant officials, who confirmed that it is illegal to prevent someone from bringing their phone into the voting booth. The officials said they would phone the poll workers and drive by the Remsen Hall location as well.

The activists also stressed that it is important to file an official complaint if one is made to feel uncomfortable or is told that he can not bring his phone.

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  1. How does one file a complaint? These kinds of things happened in the 2020 presidential elections at the polls including but not limited to machines suddenly malfunctioning in neighborhoods with large “orthodox” populations. People were told to just leave the ballot there and it would be scanned later. It tells me there needs to be a lot of tefillos for free and fair elections; and al pi teva: Can someone please give information on what we can do? And also, please forward this to askanim, whoever can. Wondering if askanim can let the right people know to inform the poll workers throughout NYS to do their part, not the opposite to help that there’s no harassment, intimidation, cheating etc. Moshiach now. That’s the real vote. We can all cast a vote with another act of goodness and kindness.

  2. It’s sad and sickening to hear about discrimination against heimishe voters. Hopefully those who did such will be held accountable.
    On a positive note, early voting at the armory on Bedford avenue is mamesh a walk in the park. No wait time and very helpful courteous assistants.
    Go vote!!

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