New Art Gallery Features Quilling Masterpieces

Opening night at The Juneberry Tree Art Gallery fine art exhibition space in Crown Heights, showcased ‘Paper Alive’, an exhibition by quilling artist Yamit Presman.

Opening night at The Juneberry Tree Art Gallery, Crown Heights’ new fine art exhibition space for emerging Jewish artists, was a resounding success! Patrons of the arts came from across Brooklyn and even as far away as Riverdale to view quilling artist Yamit Presman’s exhibition, ‘Paper Alive’. 

Quilling is a type of paper art where thin strips of paper are rolled into different shapes and glued on their side creating a 3D design.  

A multi-talented woman, Yamit spoke to those in attendance about her artwork and how she discovered it. Calling it a language of her Soul, Yamit’s work covers a range of themes in Jewish life.  Our favorites are Miriam in which the paper truly comes alive. One gets the sense of dancing alongside Miriam as she plays her tambourine by the side of the Yam Suf! Visitors were also intrigued by Hot Peppers and its velvety-looking texture.

Yamit’s work will be on display at the gallery through February 9th.  

The gallery is housed in a century-old warm and artsy home at 1714 President Street in Crown Heights and shares space with Ikar at the Alcove, a new Jewish women’s learning collaborative modeled after the Chautauqua Institute’s learning vacation concept.

Ikar at the Alcove offers an eclectic mix of classes, lectures and creative workshops and cater to small groups, fostering a friendly atmosphere for gathering together and learning something new from master instructors affiliated with the multi-talented Chabad/Lubavitch community.   

Our affordable programs, $35 or $10 per class include drinks and refreshments.  Register for more than one program and receive a 10% discount.  

The Juneberry Tree Art gallery is open most Sundays from 1 to 5 pm, Tuesday evenings from 7 to 9 pm or by appointment.

There is no charge to visit the gallery.

UP NEXT at Ikar and The Juneberry Tree Art Gallery

Sunday – January 30th from 12:30 to 4:30 pm – Traditional Medicinals 
5 Words in Lashon HaKodesh – 
What they mean and how they correlate to Health, Wellness and Healing with Sara Tova Best
Winter Herbs and Teas – hands-on workshop with Sara Chana Silverstein
Breathing for Wellness and Relaxation with Bring Me To The Gym

February 6, 2022 – 1pm – $12
Designing an Indoor Vertical Garden workshop
In this workshop, we will design an indoor vertical garden using herbs and flowering plants imbued with the healing properties of flower essences.  

February 13th 12:30 – 4:30pm 
It’s OK to Laugh, Seriously!
Lecture and Discussion with popular inspirational author Gitty Stolik.
Culinary 101 – Kitchen Gadgets and more!
with Solange Defrancesco, professional food stylist and chef.
Learn how to use those gadgets that have been sitting in your kitchen drawer forever and begin mastering the art of cutting, paring and slicing with a knife.  Class includes preparing an interesting dish to enjoy with a cup of tea during the workshop that follows.  

Comedy and the Human Condition with Leta Lenik.
In this workshop we’ll discuss comedy’s unique conduit for truth, talk about what is Jewishly funny and kosher and engage humorously “on stage” with Leta.

Watch for our Supper with Special Guest Speakers series coming up in February and March

To register:  email: [email protected] or call 718-705-4206.

Looking forward to learning with you,

Tamar Adelstein, Administrator

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