Crown Heights Marks Reb Levik’s Yahrzeit with Seuda and Learning

Photos: Yossi Fajnland/

Crown Heights residents gathered to mark the hilula of Harav Levi Yitzchok Schneerson with a yahrzeit seuda with guest speakers Rabbi Dovid Dubov and Rabbi Levi Garelik.

Photos: Yossi Fajnland/

Crown Heights residents marked the yahrzeit of the Rebbe’s father Harav Levi Yitzchok Schneerson with a seuda at Beis Medrash Mishkan Moshe.

Rabbi Dovid Dubov, shliach to Princeton, New Jersey, and author of Yalkut Levi Yitzchok al HaTorah spoke about the letters the Rebbe received from his father during the period of Chasuna and the famous ‘101-word telegram’ sent on the day of Chasuna.

930 pm Maariv

Following Maariv, Rabbi Levi Garelik spoke about the life story of Harav Levi Yitzchok and his letter on the histalkus of tzadikim.

A special Teshurah containing a collection of Torah thoughts from the Rebbe’s father was distributed to all participants.

Video: Rabbi Levi Garelik – Biography of the Rebbe’s father, Reb Levi Yitzchak.

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Video: Rabbi Dovid Dubov – Letters The Rebbe Received By His Chasuna From His Father.

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