Crown Heights Girls Light Up NYC with Chanuka Mivtzoim

Dozens of Crown Heights girls and families took to the streets of New York City this Chanuka to reach out to their fellow Yidden, with supplies and places to go arranged by Lubavitch Youth Organization.

What do two elementary-age sisters from Crown Heights, a group of Israeli high school girls, an inspired mother, a seminary girl, and an energetic teacher have in common? They wanted to go on mivtzoim, reached out to Lubavitch Youth for direction, and went out to light up the city! 

This Chanukah, the Mivtzoim Shop by Lubavitch Youth Organization was hopping, helping Crown Heights women, girls and families to reach out to the Yidden of New York City. Graciously hosted by Machon L’Yahadus in their beautiful school building, The Chanukah Mivtzoim Shop sprang up, offering Menorah kits and all other supplies girls were looking for, at reasonable prices. Menorahs were offered at a subsidized price, in memory of Yael bat Avner, to make it easier for those who wanted to do mivtzoim.

Not stopping at supplies, Lubavitch Youth helped connect girls and families with places to go, and navigate going on mivtzoim this Chanukah. Lubavitch Youth sent several groups to a supermarket in Queens, where they gave out Menorahs and donuts to shoppers, bringing the Chanukah cheer to all.

One inspired teacher organized inter-school Mivtzoim buses for girls to spread the light to Brighton Beach throughout Chanukah. The girls went door-to-door to visit Yidden and light Menorah with them in their homes, directed by local Shluchim. This is the second year that these inter-school mivtzoim buses were organized, and it has been an incredible hit. And of course, many took to the streets, heeding the Rebbe’s call to make sure every Jewish home is lit up with a Chanukah Menorah! 

And if that wasn’t enough, nursing homes were also lit up by visitors from Crown Heights this year! Although nursing home mivtzoim was a challenge due to Covid, Boruch Hashem at least 5 homes had visits from classes and 10 homes had Menorah lightings throughout Chanukah. Thanks goes to N’Shei Chabad, especially Mrs. Chana Morozov, and all of the volunteers who were so keen to go, including those who tried and were unable to reach a place that would allow the visit. 

Many thanks go to Lubavitch Youth Organization; to the Chanukah mivtzoim division, headed by Rivky Korf, Shoshana Berelowitz, and Chaya Levy; to Machon L’Yahadus, led by Rabbi Shloma Majeski, who hosted the mivtzoim hub; and most of all, to the Crown Heights community for showing up to eagerly take Chanukah to the streets and homes around the city! May we celebrate the next Chanukah already in Yerushalayim with the Geulah Sheleima, where we look forward to expanding activities a thousand-fold!

Do you want to show your support for the Mivtzoim champions: enthusiastic students, inspired mothers, energetic teachers, and so many others? Help the Mivtzoim Shop by LYO continue to grow and expand by sending a contribution to: Cashapp $mivtzoimshop, PayPal

To contribute specifically to the inter-school mivtzoim initiative, Cashapp 347-307-4746, PayPal / Zelle 

The Mivtzoim Shop by LYO can be reached at 845 393 1951 or


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