Crown Heights Gathers to Rememeber Beloved Mashpia

Hundreds of Crown Heights residents gathered on Wednesday night to mark the shloshim of beloved and revered mashpia Reb Pinye Korf. A special chavrusa learning initiative was announced at the event.

By reporter

Hundreds of Crown Heights residents gathered on Wednesday night to mark the shloshim of beloved and revered mashpia Reb Pinye Korf, and hundreds more joined online on

Rabbi Pinye Korf served for decades as a mashpia in Montreal, Oholei Torah and 770 yeshivos and as a mashpia for countless members of the Crown Heights community and beyond. A genuine oved and chossid, Reb Pinye was viewed by many as the quintessential chassidishe yid.

Gathered at Kollel Menachem on Union Street, the participants heard memories of Reb Pinye, as well as a call of action to take a lesson from his life and effect to each of their own lives.

A siyum was made by Rabbi Mendel Korf, followed by kaddish. Sharing words of inspiration were Rabbi Shlomo Zarchi, Rabbi Shmuel Butman, Rabbi Shlomo Majeski, Rabbi Yitzchok Prus, Rabbi Motti Lipskier, Rabbi Zalman Vilenkin, Rabbi Shneur Zalman Labkowski and Rabbi Yisroel Landa, son in law of Reb Pinye and shliach in Toronto. Emceeing the event was Rabbi Aron Ginsburg.

During the event, Rabbi Ginsburg announced the launch of an chavrusa learning initiative, in memory of Reb Pinye. The initiative, which continues Reb Pinye’s work of encouraging learning Torah, would pair working men with kollel yungerleit to study Torah together. The details of the program will be announced in the coming days.

Following the speeches, a video was played, with relatives and fellow chassidim sharing their memories of Reb Pinye. Participants then sat for an informal farbrengen with the sons of Reb Pinye.

A special teshura memento was distributed to participants, containing letters Reb Pinye received from the Rebbe, and divrei Torah he wrote over the years. Click here to download.

VIDEO: Full replay

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VIDEO: Memories of Reb Pinye

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