Crown Heights Families Grateful for Keren Anash Support

Letters of thanks are pouring in to Keren Anash for the money they distributed from Matonos Loevyonim and for their year-round support.

Following a successful fundraiser and distribution of Matonos Loevyonim to Crown Heights families by Keren Anash, the letters of thanks keep pouring in.

In emotional messages, heads of families express their deepest thanks for the much-needed support. “Really appreciated and very much needed! Tizku l’mitzvos!” one person wrote.

A new widow left to support her large family alone said how much she depends on the funds to buy groceries and pay bills. “I count on your support, and I am extremely grateful!” Others expressed appreciation for the sensitive and caring way in which it was given to them.

Following the mandate of “Aniyei Ircha Kodmin,” that support for local needy precedes those out of town, Crown Heights residents logged in in increasing numbers to donate locally.

“The need is very real, and we try hard to meet the needs of everyone who asks,” says Keren Anash coordinator Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Kratz. “On behalf of the Crown Heights families, I would like to thank everyone who donated. Hashem should bentch them with all good things b’gashmiyus and b’ruchniyus!”


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