Crown Heights Cheers Isolated Chosson and Kallah

Photos: Shmulik Serebryanski/

The Crown Heights community came out in full force, on porches and balconies, in front yards and through car windows, to cheer a newly married couple whose family couldn’t attend their wedding due to coronavirus.

By reporter
Photos: Shmulik Serebryanski/

The Crown Heights community came out in full force to celebrate the wedding of Sara Benezra to Reuven Mizrahi, on porches and balconies, in front yards and through car windows.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, neither the chosson or kallah’s parents, siblings or family were able to fly in to New York to attend the wedding.

“This is where we, her Crown Heights family kicked in!” the couple’s friends ask.

After the chuppah, a Rolls Royce convertible was arranged to drive around Crown Heights. The parade, led by a mitzvah tank blasting wedding music, drove through the streets of Crown Heights to allow community members to take part in the wedding and take part in the great mitzvah of simchas chosson v’kallah.

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