Credit Report Law Group is Guided by Torah

Attorneys Adam Singer and Noah Kane of Credit Report Law Group are dedicated to helping individuals resolve damaging errors on their credit reports, without charging their clients a penny out of pocket.

You may not have heard of credit reporting agencies, but there’s a good chance they’ve heard of you. Credit reports are files, kept by these large corporate agencies, which track your credit history, looking for things like late payments on credit cards or loan defaults. Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion are the best-known credit reporting agencies, and they have been subject to widespread criticism for reporting damaging, inaccurate information about people and failing to fix it when asked. And there also are dozens of specialty consumer reporting agencies that gather and then sell data about consumers’ behavior in specific areas like insurance, banking, and rental and criminal history.

Attorneys Adam Singer and Noah Kane of Credit Report Law Group are dedicated to helping individuals resolve damaging errors on their credit reports. If you have a real, damaging error on your credit report, Adam and Noah likely can help you dispute it and file a lawsuit for you if necessary to correct the errors. Their firm has brought dozens of successful lawsuits on behalf of individuals with credit report errors, usually obtaining monetary compensation. 

Best of all, they do all this without charging their clients a penny out of pocket. Federal law requires that the credit bureaus and lenders pay for your attorney in these situations, allowing Adam and Noah to accept cases on contingency. “Non-lawyers might charge you thousands of dollars to ‘repair’ a bona fide credit report error. We don’t charge for that, plus our clients often receive money for the harm,” says Adam. “Why pay a non-attorney to do something that a law firm will do on contingency?” 

Credit report errors may be especially common among the Chabad community, due to various factors. First and foremost, many of us share the same names as each other—e.g., Menachem Mendel, Chaya Mushka, etc.—and this can make folks more prone to credit file mix-ups This risk may be exacerbated by the fact that you might live in the same neighborhood—or building—as someone with the same first and middle names. You might even have a full name that mirrors your cousin, niece, nephew, uncle, or aunt’s. These similarities may lead careless credit reporting agencies to mix or merge your files (even though other information like social security numbers and birthdays are clearly different). One shliach, who enlisted the help of Credit Report Law Group, pointed out that these situations can be eerily reminiscent of the “shnei Yosef ben Shimon” sugya discussed in Gemara Gittin (Daf 24b, 27a)! 

All in all, millions of Americans say that their credit reports have inaccuracies that cause a score decrease. Even if you don’t have a typical Chabad name, it may be wise to check your credit reports for any errors. In the words of the Wall Street Journal, “Checking your credit score is an important step in monitoring your financial health.”

To access your credit reports for free, you can visit Alternatively, you can purchase your credit reports and scores at (Using online services offered directly by the credit bureaus—Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion—to obtain your credit reports may require you to agree to arbitration of any disputes, which is something most people prefer to avoid.) If you need help accessing your free credit reports, you can email Adam and Noah at [email protected]

Since founding Credit Report Law Group almost a decade ago, Adam has built a firm with an excellent reputation and record, confirmed by raving online reviews. Adam previously worked at two prestigious international law firms, building skills that now help him secure the best results for his clients. Like Adam, Noah worked for a federal judge and excelled academically before joining Credit Report Law Group. 

But what really sets Adam and Noah apart is their professional integrity, guided by Torah values. Noah, who holds smicha from Rabbinical College of America in Morristown, New Jersey, sees consumer protection as a shlichus. Volunteering with the Aleph Institute, first as a bachur and then after law school, showed Noah the place of lawyers and advocacy in the Rebbe’s revolutionary vision. Adam, who studied in non-Chabad yeshivas, is particularly inspired by tremendous rights the Torah provides to ensure that credit arrangements are fair and that debtors are treated with respect and decency. (He happens to have very fond memories of Chabad on Campus at the University of Pennsylvania and has many other connections to the community.)

Adam and Noah are quick to point out that “credit” is not a modern concept; it’s discussed explicitly in the Torah, in multiple places. For example, secured loans, a type of credit, are a key topic in Parshas Ki Seitzei. There, the Torah forbids a creditor from entering his debtor’s home, and commands that collateral be returned whenever needed by a debtor. The Torah also prohibits credit loans with interest (ribbis) and mandates that creditors release their debts every seven years, during the shmittah. The sages of the Gemara forcefully underscored these credit lending rules, going so far as to compare interest lending to murder (Temurah 6b). 

Today, the Torah’s fair credit lending laws are considered radical, progressive, and even revolutionary. And these Divine credit lending laws – together with a desire for consumers to be treated with fairness and dignity – inspire Adam and Noah in their day-to-day work using the United States legal system to help individuals who have been wronged by credit lenders and credit bureaus. 

In the United States, consumer credit lending is governed by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA)¸ and the Fair Credit Billing Act (FCBA). Less robust than the Torah’s laws, these statutes nonetheless give consumers powerful tools to ensure the accuracy of their credit reports and to protect them from unfair lending practices. Adam and Noah are committed to vindicating their clients’ rights under these and other consumer statutes.

If you notice any errors on your credit reports, including debts that do not belong to you, contact Credit Report Law Group for a free consultation. They can be reached at 212-842-2428 or via email at [email protected].

Credit Report Law Group

Law Office of Adam G. Singer, PLLC

NYC: 60 E. 42nd St., Suite 4600, New York, NY 10165

Rockland County: 75 Montebello Road, Suffern, NY 10901


[email protected]

Disclaimer: This article may constitute attorney advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. This article is for informational purposes only and it is not intended and should not be construed as legal advice. No attorney-client relationship is formed with this firm until you sign a written engagement letter. Adam Singer is an attorney licensed to practice law in the State of New York and before the federal trial courts in New York (Southern, Eastern, Western, and Northern Districts) as well as the Second Circuit Court of Appeals. Noah is an attorney licensed to practice law in the State of New Jersey.


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