Creative Moshiach Competition Opens for its Third Year

To promote awareness of Moshiach and as a takeaway from Chof Ches Nissan, Tut Altz Kids is holding its annual creative kids’ contest, focusing on getting children to exercise their creativity while learning about Moshiach. 

By: Zelig Katzman

The importance of actively anticipating the Geulah, and even beginning to “live with it” in the final moments of Golus, is a foundational idea that the Rebbe stressed throughout his Nesius, and especially in the later years. It’s something that Chassidim constantly aspire to integrate into their lives and instill within their children.

As part of its mission to promote this message and lifestyle among all of the Rebbe’s Chassidim, Tut Altz’s kid’s division has been teaching the “Living With Geulah Now” curriculum for children in grades 3-7. The innovative curriculum breaks down essential Geulah concepts engaging and empowering children with the Rebbe’s unique vision for their role in bringing Moshiach.

To mark 32 years since the Rebbe’s call to bring the Geulah on Chof Ches Nissan 5751, Tut Altz Kids has launched its annual “Moshiach Contest,” encouraging children to utilize their imagination to create innovative projects representing the ideas learned in the curriculum. 

It is open to all children who studied the material and will feature submissions in various creative mediums, from a poem or essay to a comic strip or diorama. Collaborative projects are accepted and encouraged, with up to four team members on a given project. Submissions are due by Tuesday, 3 Sivan, and the winners will be announced at the Tut Altz Kids Hachana to Gimmel Tammuz Hakhel Farbrengen on Sunday, 29 Sivan.

Judges will select three top winners, and one runner-up from each grade will receive the newly published Hakhel Novel: Last Act. The finalists will be chosen based on the project’s message, creativity, and presentation. The grand prize, a brand new bike, will be awarded to the top contestant, with a Judaica World gift card and a chocolate fountain going to the second and third-place winners, respectively. All participants will receive a prize for their project.

Submissions should be sent to More information and details can be found here.

You can access all the Live with Geulah Now booklets for FREE on

For more information or inquiries, reach out to [email protected] or +1 347-343-4514


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