Crash Course to be Offered for New and Veteran Teachers

This summer, Machon Chana is offering a three-week, intensive teachers’ training course on all aspects of Chabad chinuch for new and seasoned teachers and recent seminary graduates.

By Machon Chana

With covid raging last summer, we at Machon Chana, as many other institutions, were at a loss as to what educational program to offer.

The decision was made to create “yimei iyun”. So, we created a highly necessary and successful 4 part online series on “Raising Chassidishe Children,” two 90 minute sessions online on raising chassidishe bochurim, and two on Raising a Bas Chabad with mechanchim from around the globe.

This year, after a B”H successful year back on campus (and on zoom), we decided, based on the Rebbe’s horaos,to offer קורסים מזורזים למורות – crash courses for teachers both for those entering the field of teaching and veteran teachers. The Rebbe once wrote that the courses are important because: אין בית מדרש בלי חידוש – there is no place of learning (or course) without something new to be learned.

With teachers training taught only in seminary and to seminary age girls, training for those entering the chinuch field is limited and not accessible to many teachers – the result in many cases can be disastrous. The Chinuch office has held yearly summer conferences and over the last few years, but it seems that an intensive short certified training course should be offered to all those who either missed the opportunity to go to seminary, or need a choice of a shorter or less expensive option.

Machon Chana is offering, in addition to its regular Yeshivacation summer program, a three-week, intensive teachers’ training course on all aspects of Chabad chinuch for new and seasoned teachers and recent seminary graduates. Upgrade your skills and pick up some new methods for classroom discipline, lesson planning, and using new technology in the classroom to enhance your lessons. Join a discussion on challenges faced by students today to help you better understand and help them learn and grow.

‎Taught in the evening 7-10 pm, both in person and online, this course will accommodate working women, mothers and students.

Courses cover preschool through high school and address both academic and emotional needs. Instructors include: Rabbi Levi Feldman from will open the course and offer a series beginning July 12. Mrs. Gitty Rosenfeld, Mrs. Dina Gorkin, Mrs. Shaindy Schapiro, Mrs Chana Rose, Mrs. Sara Chuzin, Mrs. Rivka Holzman, Mrs. Chaya Weinfeld and Mrs. Rochi Prus – experienced teachers in curriculum development, lesson planning, classroom management, student engagement, building connections, technology in the classroom, and teaching Kriah, Chumash, and Tfilla, will each give a 90 minute presentation in their area of expertise.

The 20 hour course costs only $300. (scholarships available). Classes begin June 21-July 7, 7:00-10:00 p.m., in person or online. Register now at

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