Couple Closes a Circle As They Return as Shluchim on Campus

Rabbi Yosef and Basya Stevenson, who both discovered their own Yiddishkeit through Chabad on Campus, are moving on shlichus to the University of Wisconsin under the new, two-year program.

Rabbi Yosef and Basya Stevenson, who both discovered their own Yiddishkeit through Chabad on Campus, are moving on shlichus to the University of Wisconsin under the new, two-year program.

The new shluchim will help expand and increase the work of Chabad of UW-Madison run by Rabbi Mendel and Henya Matusof.

There are over 4000 Jews on campus, with 1,500 of them coming to Chabad every year.

The Stevensons, who both discovered their own Yiddishkeit while at Chabad on campus, are closing an emotional circle as they return to help other students find their path as well. They will focus on deepening the connection for these hundreds of students, through Torah and Yiddishkeit.

This shlichus is part of the recently announced Chabad on Campus program where the Shlichus is a two year commitment.

The shlichus is with the approval of the head shliach of Wisconsin Rabbi Yisroel Shmotkin.

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  1. Wow!!!! Yosef! This is great and exciting news!!! Much much Hatzlacha!!! Looking forward to greeting your Talmidim iy”h in Morristown!! Mazal Tov!!!

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