Coronavirus Update #51: Cases Declining, Vaccine Availability

Coronavirus update for the Crown Heights community, from the Gedaliah Society and Dr. Eli Rosen: the average daily number of cases is trending downward, vaccines are still not available in Crown Heights.

Community covid status:

Boruch Hashem the average daily number of cases in our community is downtrending, and we hope and pray it continues in that trajectory. Please continue to take the public health precautions necessary to prevent the spread of disease, in particular with respect to large crowded gatherings, and those who are at high risk for serious illness.

Covid vaccine update:

The vaccine distribution in New York City is regulated by New York State. Currently, in phase 1b, vaccine eligibility includes individuals above the age of 65, teachers, healthcare workers, first responders, and other personnel as laid out by the government. (The full list is here:

However, distribution of the vaccine to these groups of people remains suboptimal. Specifically, at the time of this writing, private practices around the city, including here in Crown Heights, have not been provided with the vaccine doses needed for their eligible patients. An attempt to get the vaccine from the city for a community drive was not yet successful. 

There are several locations where there may be available vaccine doses. All require an appointment and vaccine supplies are variable. The ODA health network in Williamsburg and Ezra medical centers in Boro Park  have limited supplies of vaccine. There are other sites that can be found at NYCs dedicated website. Therefore, for the time being, those that are eligible and wish to go get vaccinated can try any of the following:, calling ODA at 718-260-4600 ext 999, or calling Ezra medical at 718-233-1134. 

Boruch Hashem there has been tremendous positive feedback to the vaccine Q&A with Dr BarZeev, and we encourage all those with questions regarding its safety and necessity to take the time to watch the Q&A, available here:

Upcoming Purim season:

It is difficult to believe that we are approaching the Purim season, which last year marked the beginning of a difficult period that has been seared into our memory. As a community we have together suffered so much, some of us in more personal and deep ways than others. Neshamos will be hosting a virtual event on Motzei Shabbos 8 Adar (20th Feb) to remember those no longer with us, what we have all lost during this painful time, and to recognize as a community the service performed by our volunteer heroes.  Please mark your calendars, with further details of the event to be forthcoming. 

Wishing everyone excellent health, Good Shabbos!

– The Gedaliah Society, in conjunction with Dr Rosen


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