Continuing The Work Of A Legendary Chossid

Partner with Keren Meir in making Chassidus accessible to thousands of Yidden, and enter a raffle to win 2 roundtrip tickets to Eretz Yisroel, along with a three-night stay at the Waldorf Astoria in Yerushalayim!

Keren Meir is an organization that is committed to carrying out the vital work of Hafotzas HaMaayonos, sharing the wellsprings of the inner dimension of the Torah with thousands of Yidden. Named for R’ Meir Roness a”h, Keren Meir’s activities serve to perpetuate the lifelong endeavor of this legendary chossid, who spent his days working tirelessly to make Hafotzas HaMayaanos a reality.

R’ Meir made this his life’s mission when he was still a young bochur. He’d arrange the perfect Chassidus-learning environment from start to finish by appointing teachers, providing learning materials, and working vigorously to arrange locations for shiurim as well as transportation for participants. Chassidus was suddenly so accessible to so many.

Since R’ Meir’s passing, seven years ago, Keren Meir has continued to provide thousands of shiurei Chassidus, quenching the thirst of so many Neshamos that are more desperate than ever for these wellsprings.

With the help of its generous supporters, Keren Meir can successfully continue and expand its vital work, illuminating the lives of so many and blazing the way for Moshiach’s imminent arrival. 

Partner with Keren Meir in making Chassidus accessible to thousands of Yidden, and enter a raffle to win 2 roundtrip tickets to Eretz Yisroel, along with a three-night stay at the Waldorf Astoria in Yerushalayim!

For more information and to purchase tickets visit


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