Connecticut Shluchim Gather to Prepare for Yud Shvat

On Motzai Shabbos, 3 Shvat, Shluchim from all over Connecticut gathered Chabad in Harbor Point in Stamford to learn for a shiur followed by a farbrengen in preparation for Yud Shvat.

On Motzai Shabbos, 3 Shvat, Shluchim from all over Connecticut gathered Chabad in Harbor Point in Stamford to learn for a shiur followed by a farbrengen in preparation for Yud Shvat.

An in-depth shiur on one of the mamorim the Rebbe said Yud Shevat 5724  was given by Rabbi Meir Chaim Posner.

Following the shiur, the Shluchim participated in an inspiring farbrengen led by Rabbi Avrohom Sternberg of New London.

The evening was organized by Rabbi Levi Schectman of Chabad of Wesleyan and hosted by Connecticut Regional Director, Rabbi Yisrael Deren.

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