Community Support from Within on New Fundraising Platform

A new giving platform that specifically caters to the smaller, more immediate needs of local and personal communities allows people to support others from their shuls, cities, or classes when a financial need arises.

As Jews, we are consistently and generously willing to help our brothers. The amount of sharing and caring across all groups and locations continues to be truly inspiring.

Unfortunately, a crucial category tends to fall through the cracks. There are specific fundraising platforms for large organizations, which are wonderful and helpful, for certain things such as building campaigns, educational improvements, or crucial events. But often, there are those very close to us who are experiencing personal financial difficulties, and we are simply unaware. If someone finds themselves tight on their utility bill or mortgage one month, where can they turn for assistance?

That’s where comes in. This new giving platform specifically caters to the smaller, more immediate needs of our own local and personal communities. By creating groups based on communities (shul, alumni, etc), members will know that when a call for help comes in, it will be for one of their own (while the recipient remains anonymous).

Each group or community is chaired by a caring and trusted administrator, whose job it is to verify and look after each campaign. With the campaign verified, a message is broadcast to all members of the group (excluding the recipient of course), asking them to assist one of their fellow members. The identity of the recipient remains anonymous, and 100 percent of the funds raised go directly to the recipient. has been active as a beta test within a small Chabad community (roughly numbering 100 families). Campaigns have included rent and mortgage payments, and medical or other past-due bills among others. Within this small vibrant community, over $100,000 has been raised this year alone! That’s $100,000 worth of donations from community members to their very own members, and $100,000 going directly into the hands of those in need!

When asked why this platform was different from any number of fundraising services, co-founders Sholom Pinson and Levy Lieberman could not be more clear. “This is about family and friends looking out for each other on a constant basis. Charity starts at home. This platform removes the middleman and puts these desperately needed funds into the hands of our members who need it, quickly and discreetly.” Levy shares. Funds are almost always transferred within one day.

This platform was built in memory of Reb Chaim Meir Halevi Lieberman a”h. Visit to learn more or to sign up. If you would like to represent a community, please select to sign your group up here.


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