Communities Worldwide Unite In Million Mitzvah Campaign for Eretz Yisroel

In a tremendous show of unity, individuals and communities across the globe are launching special Mitzvah Campaigns for Israel on Merkos 302’s OneMitzvah Platform. 

These are critical times, and the Jewish people in Eretz Yisroel need every merit they can get. While aiming for 1,000,000 mitzvos may be a bold goal, the hundreds of communities launching Mitzvah campaigns on Merkos 302’s platform are well on their way to reaching—and surpassing—their mark.

The deeply disturbing news that is coming from Eretz Yisroel is leaving many with the big question: What can one do to contribute to the success of the brave soldiers on their mission to combat the vile terrorists and protect the holy land? In these challenging times, there must be initiative taken to counter darkness with light and combat evil with holiness.

The Torah teaches that all Jewish people are intrinsically connected and that our physical destiny is directly linked to our spiritual well-being. The most powerful way we can effect change is by increasing our prayers and our commitment to Mitzvos. Every Mitzvah we do helps the soldiers fighting on the front lines, and protects our brethren in the Holy Land.

“The people of Israel need our help now. With the hundreds wounded, more the hundred in captivity and the endless barrage of rockets being fired from all sides, we must do all we can to bring safety and peace to the holy land,” said Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Vice Chairman of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch, “in times like these, the Rebbe would reiterate the infinite power of every Mitzvah and every person. Each of one of us has the responsibility to inspire others as well.”

In addition to our individual efforts, those with influence can inspire others to increase in Torah study, giving Tzedakah, adding in ahavas yisroel, or participating in any other mitzvah. Every person has a sphere of influence, whether it be among friends, neighbors, or within a community. All of these collective efforts will undoubtedly lead to a decisive victory.

To this end, over 150 communities have already signed in just the first 18 hours, all with the collective aim of reaching one million pledged mitzvos for the benefit of Eretz Yisroel. Some individuals have committed to as few as 36 mitzvos, while large communities are aiming for tens of thousands. Together, as Am Yisroel, we have the power to create a profound impact through these collective mitzvos. It is a great merit for the safety, security, and success of our brethren.

Starting your own team on is a quick process, taking under a minute. Whether you are sharing your campaign with a few friends or you are planning an event for thousands to join in doing good deeds, you can unite with Klal Yisroel in response to these tragic events by empowering a million mitzvos.

Let us remember that even in the face of adversity, our unity and commitment to holiness can be a beacon of hope and change in the world. Our fellow Jews are looking to us for support, strength, security, and solidarity. By taking on a mitzvah and encouraging others to do the same, we’ll do our part in bringing on the ultimate bracha of peace, with the coming of Moshiach, amen.

Launch your Mitzvah for Israel Campaign Today at 

Email [email protected] for any questions.

Follow @MitzvahforIsrael on social media to see the Mitzvahs happening all over the globe.

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