Collection Shines New Light on Familiar Stories

A new publication highlights the Rebbe’s explanations and teachings on selected events and individuals from Tanach and Gemara, showing how the Rebbe shined a positive light even on those which are universally regarded negatively.

By reporter

Familiar stories, individuals and statements from the Tanach and the Gemara take on a new meaning in the Rebbe’s teachings compiled in the new publication “Meoros Menachem.”

The new collection, authored by JLI Director Rabbi Efraim Mintz, collects the Rebbe’s teachings on 25 individuals and stories as brought down by Chazal. Throughout the generations, the actions of these individuals were almost exclusively viewed in a negative light. But after the Rebbe shines a new light on the subject, one gains a whole new appreciation for the ‘soul’ of the story.

“In any subject the Rebbe touched upon, he revealed the ‘essence’ of the matter, the beauty which is sometimes hidden behind many layers,” Rabbi Mintz writes in the foreword.

The new publication was published and distributed at the recent wedding of Rabbi Mintz’s son Levi to Mirel (nee Wolvovsky), held in Razag Hall in Crown Heights.

Throughout its 159 pages, Meoros Menachem covers topics such as learning Torah shelo lishma, Dosson and Avirom, Miriam bas Bilga, the seemingly unrighteous Kohanim Gedolim in the time of the second Beis Hamikdash, and 20 other similar topics. In each, one comes away from the sugya or topic with a entirely different outlook.

Click here to download ‘Meoros Menachem’

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