Clock Is Ticking on a Mikvah in Argentina

With the nearest mikvah 250 miles away, Rabbi Yisroel and Chana Soriano, shluchim to Concordia, Argentina, set out to build one for their community, but unless they come up with funds in two weeks, the contractor will cease construction.

Five years ago, Rabbi Yisroel and Chana Soriano and his wife arrived in Concordia, Argentina, and immediately went to work. In a town boasting only 250 Jewish families, Yisroel and his wife have created a vibrant, tight-knit community that hosts Shul services, guests for Shabbos and Yomtov, events, and classes. 

But there is a fundamental challenge to their shlichus: The nearest mikvah is 400 KM away.

Having established themselves in Concordia, the couple recently turned to addressing this lack and performing this invaluable mitzvah. 

The total cost of the project is $145,000. With the steady assistance of Rabbi Tzvi Grunblatt, head Shliach of Argentina, they held a matching campaign drive and raised $80,000. 

That was enough to start construction. Now, however, the Jews of Concordia need your help. 

They need $25,000 to complete the construction of the Mikvah room. If they cannot come up with the funds, the contractors will cease construction in two weeks.    

On top of that, they will eventually need an additional $45,000 to complete the waiting room and preparation room. 

There is no shortage of worthy causes these days, and with the arrival of stimulus checks in many of our bank accounts, the options are endless. 

But please consider the ticking clock in Concordia, Argentina, the young couple who just want to provide a Mikvah for their community, and the unparalleled merit of contributing to the continuity of pure, holy Jewish families.

Click here to contribute to this important cause.


We appreciate your feedback. If you have any additional information to contribute to this article, it will be added below.

  1. When Sending a PayPal directly to South America, PayPal takes a huge percentage.

    Rabbi Zalman Mendelsohn from Chabad of Wyoming is accepting PayPal’s for Rabbi Soriano. Every penny will be forwarded to Rabbi Soriano of Concordia, Argentina exclusively for the Mikvah project.

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