Classic Tzivos Hashem Song Gets a Remake

Watch: A vintage song composed by R’ Eli Lipsker describing the battle of the soldiers in the Army of Hashem against the Yetzer Hara got a remake by the Toronto Cheder Boys Choir along with a music video.

A vintage song composed by R’ Eli Lipsker describing the battle of the soldiers in the Army of Hashem against the Yetzer Hara got a remake by the Toronto Cheder Boys Choir with a stunning music video produced by Tzivos Hashem.

The song was originally released on a vinyl record in 1981 titled ‘Eli Lipsker And His Little Soldiers Sing We’ll Bring Moshiach Now’. Since then, the song has mostly been forgotten. The creators of the new video hope that it will bring the song, and its message, back into the public conscience.

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We’re in the Army of Hashem

Produced by: Tzivos Hashem
Composed by: R’ Eli Lipsker ע”ה
Vocals: Cheder Chabad Toronto Choir
Music and Mixing: Elor Welner
Song Production: Moshe Weinfeld
Cinematographer and Film Editor: Avremi Friedman

We’re in the army of Hashem
On secret missions we are sent
To knock the Yetzer Hora hard
And to throw him off his guard
We meet triumph at every war
And when we do you’ll hear us roar
We want Moshiach now!

Mezuzos our shields protect us from all harms
Tefillin our tanks proudly carry our arms
Yarmulkes our helmets emunah we do show
Neshek our weapons destroying our foes

We’ll continue to attack
Until we’ve brought the whole world back
To realize that Hashem is One
And to serve Him we must run
We will march with certainty
And bring the world to be worthy
We want Moshiach now!


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