Classic and New Camp Songs Released by CGI Montreal

A classic album of CGI Montreal classics got a makeover ahead of the summer, and a number of newer tracks were released online as well.

Virtually every English-speaking Lubavitcher knows the classic camp songs such as “Wake up Yid’n” and “To Love a Fellow Jew”.

These songs, along with others, were first released on the classic record produced by Abrohom Rosenberg in 1982, featuring Tzlil V’zemer Boys Chior by Camp, which contained classic songs from Gan Yisroel Montreal. Initially available on cassette tapes, the album quickly became well-known.

Finally, over 40 years later, Wake Up Yid’n is now available on streaming platforms.

Also uploaded were newly released songs, a new and exciting addition to the previous hit album “Celebration 60”. A fresh take on some CGI Montreal classics, such as Alone as a Camper and There Chirps a Robin are among the new songs available on all streaming platforms.

Camp Gan Yisroel Montreal thanks Mendel Goldman for directing the new singles’ production and release of the new singles, Levi Loschak for producing, and the respective lyricists.  

Check out CGI Montreal’s new and old music here or on your favorite streaming platform.

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