CKids Opens Wealth of Resources to All Chabad Day Schools

In an unprecedented move, CKids International extended its highly acclaimed Chabad Hebrew School resources to Chabad Day Schools all over.

In an unprecedented move, CKids International at Merkos 302 is extending its highly acclaimed Chabad Hebrew School resources to Chabad Yeshivos and Day Schools for the first time. This new step promises to enrich the educational landscape within the global Jewish community.

For the past five years, Shluchim worldwide have been harnessing the power of CKids’ specially crafted curricula, delighting thousands of students with engaging, spiritually enriching lessons. These meticulously designed programs, known for bringing the timeless stories of the Parsha to life, are steeped in the language and teachings of the classic “Der Rebbe Redt Tzu Kinder” series. Each 45-minute session is a vibrant mix of engaging activities and custom-designed materials, immersing children in a world of Jewish learning that is practical and relevant for the modern-day Jewish child.

Despite their popularity and success, these resources were, until now, exclusively available to Shluchim and their Hebrew Schools. But in a bold trial, CKids is opening its doors wider, offering a limited supply of these sought-after educational tools to a broader audience, including Chabad Schools and Day Schools. Tailored for this year’s highly-acclaimed “Adventure to the Holy Land” Hebrew School curriculum, these tools are ideal for Parsha classes in the upcoming weeks.

The driving force behind this critical expansion is Mrs. Nuchie Zirkind, a Shlucha from Hunt Valley, MD, and a member of the curriculum pilot team. Her unique perspective as an educator at Cheder Chabad Baltimore has been instrumental in bringing this vision to fruition. Mrs. Zirkind expresses her enthusiasm for the initiative: “I’m thrilled that the CKids team is finally bringing their amazing learning methods and curricula to Chabad schools. Their teaching is fun, engaging, hands-on, and lively, making the learning tangible, relatable, and truly come alive. It’s wonderful that our children, poised to be the generation to welcome Moshiach, can now experience the Torah in such an impactful way.”

For those interested in exploring these exclusive educational tools, visit

In line with Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch standards, these products will only be available to recognized Chabad Moisdois Chinuch, with distribution following strict verification of the organization.


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