CKids Gan Israel Florida Has Best Summer Yet

73 campers and dozens of staff members have been forever changed by their summer spent in CKid’s Gan Israel. Every single minute was full of the greatest and most joyful of Yiddishe experiences.

Ckids Gan Israel Florida has successfully concluded its third year – and what a summer it was! 

Every single minute was full of the greatest and most joyful of Yiddishe experiences for the 73 campers and 36 staff of Ckids Gan Israel FL.

Each of the 20 days of camp was jam packed with miraculous moments and transformative experiences. Not a single person who passed through CKids Gan Israel Florida left untouched by what they had witnessed and taken part in. 

Many of the campers were able to attend the camp thanks to generous scholarships that were made possible by donors worldwide and thanks to a grant that was secured by Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Vice Chairman of Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch. 

Upon the conclusion of camp the campers came home glowing and the positive feedback from the gushing parents began to pour in. 

“This is my son’s second year,” one parent wrote. “And I must say Rabbi Levi and Chaya put 150% into growing the program and making it better every year. 

This year they really outdid themselves with different Jewish holidays during camp and really teaching the kids that may not get to celebrate or learn about the holidays otherwise.  They did it all while keeping it fun and engaging for the children.

Thank you both and thank you to the amazing staff!!!”

Another parent wrote that their “boys arrived full of beautiful energies, feeling their Judaism to the fullest, proud of who they are! 

Happy, with many new friends big and small, and looking forward to seeing them again soon! The best experience for them and for us. 

Our children have gained a lot these days with you, may G-d continue to help you and give you so much love to continue with this camp.”

Even more touching than the parents’ messages were the tributes from the campers themselves. One camper shared that his summer “was magical, I had the best group, I learned and played a lot and I feel very proud to be a Jew and I love the food and CKids Gan Israel!”

While they had come with every intention to give their all to the camp and provide every single camper with an unforgettable summer experience, in the end it was the counselors who walked away changed.

One of them shared this touching message with the directors. 

“Hope all is well and you’re taking it easy a bit.  Camp ended so fast that I didn’t have the opportunity to properly thank you. I really really wanted to thank you for such an incredible z’chus and opportunity. I can definitely say I loved and gained from every single minute and it was such an awesome experience. I am already in touch with a ton of kids and they literally miss camp bli guzmah. Thank you so much for thinking of me and including me in this awesome shlichus, it was such a great experience. What was really special was to see your commitment to the cause. It really taught us a lot in how to have a proper work ethic and really care about the Rebbe’s inyanim. Bezh will be able to keep sending many more kids your way!! Will be in touch.”

And keep in touch they all will as the long lasting, never to be underestimated impact of a summer spent in CKids Gan Israel continues to inspire and empower the 73 Neshamos of the campers through the phone calls and messages that are currently flying throughout cyberspace between the campers and counselors who miss each other, and camp, so much!

However, friendships are not the only thing that the campers are walking away with. The many hachlatos that were proudly taken on throughout the weeks spent in camp will keep the CKids Gan Israel flame alive in all of the boys who were lucky enough to spend a summer in CKids Gan Israel Florida. 

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