Cincinnati Fathers and Sons Conclude Inspirational Shabbos

This past Shabbos, Parshas Teruma 5785, over 50 fathers from all across the US and Canada arrived at Yeshivas Lubavitch Cincinnati for an inspirational “Shabbas Avos U’banim.”

This past Shabbos, Parshas Teruma 5785, over 50 fathers from all across the US and Canada arrived at Yeshivas Lubavitch Cincinnati for the annual “Shabbas Avos U’banim”.

The fathers were greeted with a custom-designed welcome bag with information regarding the Shabbos schedule and program. The Shabbos weekend began with very lebedike “Adar dancing” on Thursday night. It continued, with Friday morning Shacharis in the Beis Medrash.

After davening and a delicious breakfast, the parents learned Seder Nigleh with their sons and heard shiurim from the Maggidei Shiurim and went on Mivtzoim with their son. The Yeshiva moved into the local Chabad shul for mincha and Maariv. The fathers learned a was followed by a heartwarming seder niggunim led by Rabbi Levi Simpson, mashpia in the Yeshiva.

After Kabalas Shabbos, the fathers and sons took their seats in the Beis Medrash, specially set-up for the occasion under the direction of the Menahel Gashmi, Rabbi Eliyahu Morrison. The yeshivah extends heartfelt thanks to Rabbi Naftali Schmukler – Chabad of the Coastal Bend in Texas – for running the entire kitchen this Shabbos.

During the course of the seudah, divrei Torah and Hisorerus were shared by hatmimim Mendel Stolik (NY) and Meir Schmukler (New Mexico) as well as shluchim Rabbi Yosef Kalmanson (OH), Rabbi Benny Hershkowitz (Mexico). The Seudah was followed by Farbrengens all night.

On Shabbos morning, there was a special seder Chassidus led by Rabbi Eliyahu Landa. Following Shacharis, which included a strong chinuch-drasha by the Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Gershon Avtzon, all the fathers and sons joined together for a Shabbos seudah with the fathers’ host families as well as in Yeshiva where there was a Farbrengen with the Shliach, Rabbi Ellie Estrin (FL).

After Minchah, there was a special farbrengen in the Zal with Rabbi Sender Geisinsky (Maryland). The farbrengen was followed by Maariv, a video of the Rebbe and dancing for Chodesh Adar. A special Melave Malkah – “Siyum Harambam” – took place in the yeshivah’s Boymel Rabbinical College. The Siyum was made by Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Lifshitz – Marah D’Asrah of Cincinnati – and the new cycle of Rambam was started by Rabbi Eliyahu Simpson.

At the conclusion of the Melavah Malka, Rabbi Gershon Avtzon gave special recognition to the Vaad of the Yeshiva (Rabbis Avtzon, Toron and Wolf) and detailed the amazing answers from the Rebbe, and miraculous events, pertaining to the current growth of the Yeshiva. The Yeshiva is currently expanding its buildings (a tour was given to parents and talmidi on Sunday) and will be able to expand its capacity.

On Sunday morning there was a chinuch seminar for the fathers, organized by the Menahel of the yeshivah, Rabbi Menachem Benarousse, and a special Seder Chassidus with Rabbi Levi Simpson. Later in the day, fathers had the opportunity to meet privately with the teachers to discuss their sons’ progress and growth.

The weekend concluded with parents, bochurim, and hanhalah alike inspired and energized to fulfill the Rebbe’s shlichus “to be mekabel p’nei Moshiach tzidkeinu bepo’el mamash!”


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