Chovevei Torah Sets Outline for Upcoming Year

Chovevei Torah Yeshiva in Crown Heights announced changes to their staff as menahel Rabbi Mendel Blau prepares to assume a new position in Oholei Torah.

By reporter

Chovevei Torah Yeshiva in Crown Heights announced changes to their staff as menahel Rabbi Mendel Blau prepares to assume a new position in another Crown Heights Yeshiva.

Earlier this week, Oholei Torah announced that Rabbi Blau was appointed as Menahel Kloli of the entire yeshiva, beginning the coming school year. As he prepares for the move, Chovevei Torah, comprising of Tomchei Tmimim and Achei Tmimim divisions, began making changes to staff positions to fill the gap.

Rabbi Blau sent a letter to the Chovevei parent body discussing the move and the updates to the yeshiva.

“It has been my greatest honor to lead Chovevei Torah these past 10 years. Baruch Hashem, over 650 talmidim passed through our doors, many raising their own children with the chinuch they absorbed,” he said.

He wrote that when he was first offered the new position, the idea seemed “foreign.”

“How could I entertain leaving my shlichus, the yeshiva I dedicate myself to day and night? How can I leave our devoted staff who collaborate beautifully to help every bochur succeed?

“Yet, as I grew more involved with some greater community mosdos, I saw how the community’s chinuch needs are growing. I’ve been shown the importance of helping the community at large, while ensuring Chovevei Torah continues to prosper and flourish,” he wrote in the letter to parents. “After much deliberation, planning and consultations with respected community Mashpiim, I humbly accepted a position as of a community moisad, Oholei Torah, for the coming school year.”

Rabbi Blau said that for this year, he will continue to oversee Chovevei Torah, with a focus on facilitating a smooth transition period. Next year, he will remain available to supervise the respective Hanholos as they navigate the critical needs of the Yeshiva. In following years, Rabbi Blau will remain on the Vaad Kloli of Chovevei Torah.

Rabbi Blau also detailed to parents the hanhala members of each division, and what position they would fill going forward.

In the Achei Tmimim division, Rabbi Levi Tzukernik will continue to lead as principal. New hanhala members who were hired at the beginning of this year are Rabbi Avrohom Dovid Losh as a teacher and as a mentor, Rabbi Yehuda Fenton as the Mashpia in Shiur Alef and Rabbi Yaakov Weiss as a Maggid Shiur.

Maggidei Shiurim include Rabbi Shlomo Chaim Kesselman as lead Semicha teacher, Rabbi Yossi Paltiel, the world-acclaimed mashpia, and Rabbi Peretz Kaplan, a brilliant teacher who forms strong connections with bochurim.

In the Tomchei Tmimim division Rabbi Zushe Winner is the Rosh Yeshiva and Rabbi Shlomo Sternberg is the Mashpia of the yeshiva. Rabbi Yisroel Labkowsky, Rabbi Binyomin Baras and Rabbi Sholom Ber Lipsker guide the talmidim in their Limmud HaTorah and Darchei Hachassidus. Reb Avremi Pewsner, will continue as mashgiach and Reb Meir Ives will continue to tend to all gashmiyus needs, in liaison with Rabbi Baron’s office.

A new appointment is Rabbi Chaim Polter, who accepted the position of interim Segan Menahel.

“I am confident that this powerful lineup will help our yeshiva prosper and reach even greater heights than before. I am certain Chovevei Torah will continue to flourish, b’ezras Hashem,” Rabbi Blau wrote.


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