Chopping Vegetables with a Manual Chopper

Ask the Rov: May I use a manual vegetable chopper on Shabbos?

By Rabbi Chaim Hillel Raskin – Rov of Anash in Petach Tikvah

Grinding vegetables is forbidden on Shabbos under the melacha of tochen. The av melacha is grinding wheat or spices, which involves changing one entity into small particles. Therefore, any action with a similar result is prohibited as a toldah.1

The Gemara teaches that one who chops beets (silka) is liable for tochen.2 While some rishonim hold the prohibition only applies when the chopping makes them fit to eat,3 the Rashba holds that chopping is prohibited even for vegetables that are already edible.4 The halacha follows this latter opinion.5

When cutting for a salad, what size pieces are problematic? Some explain that there is no standardized size. Every situation is different, and it follows that particular food — small pieces are problematic, while larger ones are permitted.6 Very thin strips are also prohibited.7

The Rashba permits cutting vegetables into small pieces if doing so close to eating, when it’s considered “derech achila,” part of the eating process, as opposed to a melacha. The Alter Rebbe writes that while it’s proper to avoid relying on this heter by cutting larger pieces, the local custom was to be lenient.8 (Even when cutting larger pieces, it’s best to cut them close to the meal in case some pieces will mistakenly be cut smaller.)

“Close to the meal” is defined as when the people are leaving shul after davening, directly before the meal. ( Some write that for larger meals, one may allow sufficient time needed to prepare for that meal).9

Using a grater or a blender, utensils designated for grinding, is forbidden as uvdin d’chol.10 If a gadget makes pieces or slices, it depends on their size. If they are small, it’s like a grater. But the pieces are slightly larger, the gadget is equivalent to using a few knives simultaneously and may be used on Shabbos.11

See Sources (open PDF)

From The Weekly Farbrengen by Merkaz Anash


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