Chol Hamoed Sukkos 5783 at the Rebbe’s Ohel

A steady crowd of Yidden from all walks of life are visiting the Rebbe’s Ohel in Queens throughout the days of Chol Hamoed Sukkos to daven, learn and write a pan. Two sukkah and sets of daled minim were set up for visitors to use.

By reporter

A steady crowd of Yidden from all walks of life are visiting the Rebbe’s Ohel in Queens throughout the days of Chol Hamoed Sukkos 5783.

To accommodate the visitors, as well as the regular bochurim and the guests who stayed by the Ohel over Sukkos, a large sukkah was built behind the third tent, with ample room for all who wanted to take a bite or learn in the sukkah.

Numerous sets of daled minim were available by the information desk and in the tents for visitors who might not have had the chance to fulfill the mitzvah, and hundreds utilized the opportunity to shake the lulav and esrog.

On each day of Yom Tov and Chol Hamoed, the bochurim who study by the Ohel, along with the many visitors from Eretz Yisroel headed out to do mivtzoim in nearby communities and commercial areas. On weekdays, they used ‘sukkah mobiles’ and drove to further areas, while on Yom Tov they walked to areas closer by to the Ohel.

Throughout Chol Hamoed, thousands of Yidden continue to visit the Ohel to daven, learn and write a pan. Numerous minyonim for davening take place every day, complete with hallel, hoshanos and mussaf.

The number of visitors this year was noticeably higher than usual, largely thanks to the Ohel bus continuing operations on Chol Hamoed, a change that took place this year for the first time.

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