Children’s Hakafos to Be Held in 770

Tzivos Hashem will be holding special hakafos for children in 770 on Motzei Shabbos, Simchas Torah. There will also be special times for women and girls to kiss the Rebbe’s Sefer Torah. 


THE REBBE’S SEFER TORAH schedule for women and girls:
3:30-7:30 pm: Kingston Ladies Shul.
7:30-9:15 pm: The Rebbe’s Room for Hakofos.
9:15-10:00 pm: Kingston Ladies Shul.

6:15 pm: Doors Open
7:10 pm: Ma’ariv, Kiddush & Hakafos
8:30 pm: Hakafos Ends

Only mothers with children 5 and under will be allowed in.

Mothers with babies 2 and younger enter from the shul’s main entrance. No strollers allowed. Exit via the Eastern Pkwy door. (300 seats available).

Mothers with children ages 3-5 enter through the sukkah. (200 seats available).

Girls 6-11 sit with madrichos and enter from the entrance adjacent to the Rebbe’s Room. (300 seats available).

Girls 12 and up may only participate from the women’s section.

Boys 6-10 enter from the shul’s main entrance, and stand on the bleachers with madrichim. (300 Places available).

Fathers and boys age 11 and older are encouraged to go on Tahalucha.

We understand this schedule is very unaccommodating for mothers with babies or young children who can only leave their home once Shabbos is over.

For this reason, special arrangements have been made for the Rebbe’s Torah to be available following the children’s hakafos at the entrance to the Kingston Ave. Women Shul (for women & girls).

In general, as much as we would wish to accommodate everyone who comes we are limited in both time and space.

May we be zoche to the Geulah Sheleima, Teikef Umiya”d Mamo”sh, now!

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