Children Fill 770 For Global Chanuka Live

Photos: Dovber Hechtman/

Children and their parents gathered in 770 on Sunday for a ‘Chanuka Live’ rally, where the 12 pessukim were said by children around the world, followed by the viewing of Menorah lightings in many countries around the globe.

By reporter
Photos: Dovber Hechtman/

Children and their parents gathered in 770 on Sunday for a ‘Chanuka Live’ rally, broadcast from numerous locations around the globe.

The program began with the 12 pessukim, each one said by a child in a different country. The pessukim were followed by a Sicha of the Rebbe, said by Chanukah Live 5752.

The broadcast then showed Menorah lightings around the world, beginning with Kfar Chabad, continuing with Johannesburg, South Africa, continuing to the Yerushalayim and Chevron in Eretz Yisroel and many other locations around the globe.

Concluding the event was the lighting of the menorah in 770 and a rousing ‘Haneiros Halalu’ sung by all the children present and accompanied by the Yossi Cohen band and Chazzan Shmuel Shmueli.

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