Chicago Mitzva Tanks Bring Mitzvos and Matzas

Eight Mitzvah Tanks filled with Shmura Matza and tefillin, drove through downtown Chicago and many suburbs offering Jews on the run a mitzvah on the spot.

Nothing says Chabad like the classic Mitzvah Tank.

These mobile messengers of mitzvos and matzas spread out to offer Jews on the run a mitzvah on the spot. For decades, they have filled the streets with music, joy, and happiness.

Once again, the Chicago bochurim, though in yeshivas spread throughout the world, coordinated to man, supply, and disseminate eight of these mobile messengers of joy and light.

It all started off on a sunny Thursday morning at the Cheder Lubavitch, with a special rally for all of the students. Children in grades six through eight had the opportunity to go on the tanks and experience ground-floor Mivtzoim.

As they spread out from downtown Chicago to various suburbs, they were filled with Shmura Matza, ready to distribute to enthusiastic Jews who were so grateful to receive this enrichment to their personal seder.

The parade included eight tanks, 90 kids who participated, and over 150 matza kits were distributed.

“We grew up doing this ourselves. Now that we’ve reached the age to be responsible, we’re excited to coordinate and orchestrate it. We lean on those who came before us and pass on the responsibility to those who will follow us,” said Levi Moscowitz, one of the primary coordinators on behalf of Lubavitch Chabad of Illinois,

The parade was a huge success, and it brought joy and happiness to many people. It is a testament to the power of mitzvahs to bring people together and to make a difference in the world.

The parade was of course in honor of the Rebbe’s 121st birthday and dedicated in memory of Reb Efraim and Mrs. Tzivia Moscowitz a”h, parents of Rabbi Daniel Moscowitz, the founding Shliach of Lubavitch Chabad of Illinois, and great-grandparents of the organizers.

Huge thank you to all those that helped make this amazing parade such a success: Levi Moscowitz, Levi Moscowitz, Zelig Notik, Mottel Moscowitz, Levi Teldon, Tzvi Moscowitz, Ozzy Belson, and everyone else that helped.


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