‘Chevras Tehilim’ for Boys Launched in Crown Heights

A new “Chevras Tehilim” in Crown Heights brings together boys aged 9-13 to melodiously recite together the Yom Hashabbos on Shabbos afternoon, followed by an engaging story and a delightful snack.

Last Shabbos, bochurim from the Queens Yeshiva, temporarily stationed in Crown Heights, embarked on an extraordinary initiative, introducing a “Chevras Tehilim” program in various Shuls throughout the Shchuna.

Yes! The real authentic “Chevras Tehilim,” reminiscent of many of our childhood memories. The “Chevras Tehilim” brings together boys aged 9-13 (approximately 3rd-7th grade) to melodiously recite the Dovid Hamelech’s Heilige words, and sing together the entire “Yom Hashabbos.” This heartwarming experience is followed by an engaging story and a delightful snack, all expertly led by the dedicated Shiur Daled students.

This inspiring program has already taken place in three locations:

  • Kehillas “Anshei Moshe” (1334 Lincoln Place, 4:30-5:30 pm)
  • “Beis Menachem Mendel” (770 Lefferts, 5:30-6:30 pm)
  • “Nosson Shul” (579 Brooklyn Avenue, 5:30-6:30 pm)

To set up for your shul too, please text: 1-332-203-8337

Join us in celebrating the beauty of community and the power of Mesorah as we come together to create a truly unforgettable experience for our children.

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