Cheder Chabad Florida Welcomes New Year With New Torah

Students at Cheder Chabad Florida started the new year in a brand new 17-acre campus, many New staff, and a new Sefer Torah!

With much anticipation, students started the year in Cheder’s brand new 17-acre campus. Students are thriving in the spacious new building, while thoroughly enjoying the large sports fields and playground.  

The classrooms now ring with the dynamic learning of engaged and happy students, whose many new and returning teachers make up a dream team of incredibly dedicated, talented, and experienced educators.  

And just as the school year began to take rhythm, a whole new level of Chayus was introduced.

Thursday following Chai Elul, flags waved high in their hands, and crowns swayed atop their heads, as students and their families joyously joined in Cheder’s very first Hachnasas Sefer Torah.

The new Sefer Torah was welcomed with chayusdig marching and singing, as well as memorable Hakafos and a grand Seudah.

In true Hakel spirit, every man, woman, and child joined in with an incredible simcha of connecting to the Torah. In fact, the very Sefer Torah itself was specifically designed to be small and light enough for children to carry and hold!  

This special Achdus Sefer Torah was generously donated by the Benayoun family, לע”נ מיכאל בן יעקב ע”ה, ולזכות הילדה חי’ מושקא בת אלירן וחני.  May Hashem repay them in kind with bracha, health, and true Chassidishe nachas!

This Hachnasas Sefer Torah was truly the most incredible way to welcome Shnas Hakhel and a new year of Limud HaTorah!

When it comes to Cheder Chabad of Florida, there’s always something new, innovative, and exciting! This new school year is no exception.  

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