Cheder Chabad Florida Is Shattering Expectations

From 778% growth, to 11 teacher couples, a new 17-acre campus and a 30 family wait list, Cheder Chabad Florida is shattering all expectations. Help them continue to grow today!

No one expected 778% growth. (Read it again.)

No one expected to see a fledgling institution attract 11 outstanding teacher-couples while moving into a large new building on a 17-acre campus – all in the third year of operation. (That’s momentum.)

No one expected 61 exceptional staff members by the end of the fourth year. (Read it again.)

No one expected a 30-family wait-list and multiple school tours every week – not this soon. (For perspective, today’s waitlist is more than the size of the entire student body just four years ago.)

No one expected a record-crushing flood of progress rushing through a brand new startup school – no one, except the people who power it up.

Today you can help Cheder by clicking here.

The core of the school’s signature holistic, chassidishe chinuch is the team of excellent teachers who have moved from all over the country to join the Cheder momentum. These talented educators invest their whole selves in their students, guiding every child on an individual journey of personal development, nurturing neshamas and cultivating curiosity. 

“I can’t tell you how much peace of mind I have, knowing my kids are receiving quality chassidishe chinuch,” declares Cheder parent and world-renowned chazan Aryeh Leib Hurwitz. “Coming from Crown Heights, my wife and I didn’t really know what to expect when we moved to Florida two years ago. As soon as we looked into Cheder, we knew this would be a school where our children would receive the care and attention that all kids need in order to thrive.”

Cheder’s commitment to quality education means class size has remained small. Chinuch necessitates attention, and everyone benefits from a classroom that is not packed to the legal limit. To maintain a low student-teacher ratio, Cheder has hired additional educators every year, which is an investment in both the students and their teachers. 

The advantages of running a professional school environment are huge,” says Cheder director Rabbi Aharon Matusof. “You can see the impact it has on our staff. People know when they’re valued and respected. Our teachers deserve to know how important they are to the parents and to the school itself.”

“I’m surprised to see how much the parent community is transforming our experience at Cheder,” says Hurwitz. “You just feel this camaraderie with other parents – never in a million years would I have gotten to know other parents in my kids’ schools in Crown Heights. This is really something special, and our kids definitely benefit from these relationships. Just the other day, my son’s class came over to my house for a barbeque to celebrate the end of the school year. You come to realize, the little things that build community actually make a huge impact. That’s Cheder for you.”

From its inception, Cheder has been a trailblazer. The growth-minded organization is laser-focused on providing quality education, and it shows in every way. Parents rave about the chinuch and the school itself. Cheder faculty, the parents, and the students operate with incredibly positive relationships. This paves the way for the teachers to experience the respect and appreciation that makes all the difference in the world. 

Cheder is a catalyst.

Students are empowered to take on the challenges of learning.

Staff members are empowered to create a meaningful, positive impact in our students’ lives.

Parents are empowered to confidently entrust their children’s chinuch and wellbeing to the school.

This goes beyond breaking expectations. 

Cheder shatters expectations.

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