Chazzan Releases Music Video Davening for Soldiers

Since the start of the war, Chazzan Dovid Caytak has been doing mivtzoim in the army. In a video of his activities, he sings a moving “Mi Shebeirach” for the soldiers’ safety and wellbeing.

Since the start of the war, Chazzan Dovid Caytak has been doing mivtzoim in the army. BH he has supplied hundreds of pairs of Tefillin, many mezuzos, gear and general support for our soldiers since the beginning of the war.

In this video of his activities, he sings a moving Mi Shebeirach for the soldiers’ safety and wellbeing.

If anyone wants to get involved with supporting the IDF or is coming to Eretz Yisroel and wants to help, please email [email protected].

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