A teshura distributed at the wedding of Yudi Namdar and Yehudis Telsner in Cancun, Mexico, contains a fascinating ma’ana to a shul who complained that their chazzan, R’ Zalman Baumgarten, refused to sing Hatikvah.
A teshura distributed at the wedding of of Yudi Namdar of Gothenburg, Sweden and Yehudis Telsner of Brooklyn, in Cancun, Mexico, contains a fascinating ma’ana to a shul who complained that their chazzan, R’ Zalman Baumgarten, refused to sing Hatikvah.
The teshura also contains letters to the kallah’s family, edits of the Rebbe on a number of Kehos publications, igros kodesh and ma’anos, transcripts of yechidus, and the Rebbe’s edits on the sicha of Shabbos Parsha Re’eh 5723.
The ma’ana about Hatikvah can be found on page 39.
Prepared by Dovber Shlita Teshuros.
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