Listen to a beautiful rendition of ‘Kotonti,’ to the tune of a niggun hisvaadus attributed to R’ Hiller Paritcher.
Listen to “Kotonti” to the tune of a niggun Hisvaadus attributed to R’ Hillel Paritcher, which is sung with these words from this week’s parsha, Parshas Vayishlach.
Sung by Chazzan Aryeh Leib Hurwitz
Piano by Israel Edelson
When Yaakov faced his greatest challenge in life, he turned to Hashem with a tefillah, thanking Hashem for all the kindness he bestowed upon him thus far, and asked “Hatzileini nah“-“Please save me” from the great fear he was destined to face head-on. Humbled and unworthy, nevertheless Hashem wants to hear our tefillah.
L’zchus Refuah Shleimah for Rivkah Esther bas Mindel
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