Chasidic Story in a Touching Music Video

The Shifra and Puah organization released a touching music video of a Chasidic story sung by singer Berel Zucker on the importance of helping and supporting new mothers.

The Shifra and Puah organization is calling on the residents of Crown Heights: help us – help new mothers! Watch a touching music video about a known Chasidic story sung by singer Berel Zucker.

The Shifra and Puah organization is calling on the residents of Crown Heights: help us – help new mothers! To reach every mother in the neighborhood, we need your help. Adopt at least one mother with a donation of $77 per month, and receive a beautiful set of bentchers without a raffle. Visit the campaign website.

The administrators of the Shifra and Puah organization are making a special appeal to the residents of the neighborhood: The Rebbe wanted the Shifra and Puah organization to reach every woman giving birth, and this is, of course, our goal: to help every woman in Crown Heights by pampering her with the complete package of Shifra and Puah services. But to reach this goal, we need your help! Help us – help you! You – the postpartum women who benefited from the services of Shifra and Puah, You – the mothers who are intimately familiar with the wonderful work of Shifra and Puah, You – the husbands who see the calmness and peace of mind of your wives, thanks to Shifra and Puah, Please partner with us in this amazing act of kindness.

We would be thrilled to have your partnership in covering the expenses of one mother in the amount of $770. The donation can be divided into ten payments of $77 a month, an amount that many can afford and can be counted as maaser. Please visit the campaign website and donate.

A surprising and exciting video was shown last year at the Shifra and Puah dinner with a song by singer, R. Berel Zucker. The song, which is entirely in poetic and moving English, tells the story of Shifra and Puah. It describes the moving story of the Alter Rebbe who went to help a woman in labor in the midst of Yom Kippur and how the Rebbe, who was also in the midst of Yom Kippur in תשל”ז, instructed the establishment of the organization of Shifra and Puah “that will help every woman giving birth, without distinction between rich and poor.” The song paints the beautiful story of the establishment of Shifra and Puah in Crown Heights by “N’Shei Chabad Dovrei Ivrit”.


Lyrics: Written for the Shifra and Puah organization in Kfar Chabad. Translated to English by Chanie Krichevsky. Edited by Chani Goldshmid. Video: Shlomo Chaim Rivkin, Rivkin Media.

You can take part in the campaign by donating on the campaign website.


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