Chasdei Lev Honors Mechanchim Families with Chol Hamoed Outing

Book today only: Chasdei Lev will be hosting an exclusive event for Rebbeim, Moros and Mechanchim during three days this Chol Hamoed Succos at Keansburg Amusement Park.

Chasdei Lev is excited to inform you that we will once again be hosting an exclusive event for Rebbeim, Moros and Mechanchim this Chol Hamoed Succos! 

The Chol Hamoed event will be on the first, second AND the third day of Chol Hamoed from 2pm-8pm. The event will be at Keansburg Amusement Park, with more attractions added to accommodate additional people.

Originally set for Monday, October 2 and Tuesday, October 3, due to the overwhelming demand, Chasdei Lev has secured a third day of an exclusive Chol Hamoed event for Rebbeim, Mechanchim, Moros and their children!

Join us on Wednesday, October 4, 2023 for an amazing day packed with activities and fun for all ages, this is an event you don’t want to miss!

Pricing will be $5 per person, and maximum cost of $50 per family.  (Limit 25 tickets per family)

The event is open to all Rebbeim and Moros that placed orders in our Pesach 2023 program. While we would love to accommodate everyone, there are a limited number of tickets available to the park.

As part of our commitment to creating a festive atmosphere, a Sukkah will be available for all attendees to enjoy. Get ready to celebrate in a joyful environment!

The website will be reopening Monday, September 4th, 3:00 pm for bookings. Limited space available and tickets will be issued on a first come first serve basis.

Click here to sign up!

For more information or details, contact us at [email protected] or 718-831-2500.

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